Address: 1155 North Service Road Oakville, ON, L6M 3E3
Email: info@roadmasterdrivingschool.ca


Day 1 : Rules of the road

1.1 Traffic laws and Regulations

  • Type of driver's licenses
  • Graduated licensing program
  • Getting your license
  • Maintaining a valid driver's license
  • Demerit points system
  • Emission testing

1.2 Reason for Traffic laws and regulations

  • Current road safety issues
  • Seat belts
  • Mirrors
  • Blind spot
  • Child safety
  • Speeding
  • Impaired driving
  • Emergency vehicles
  • Insurance

1.3 Levels of traffic laws

  • Federal
  • Provincial
  • Municipal

1.4 Road Control Devices

  • Signs
  • Signals
  • Marking
Day 2 : The Vehicle and its components

2.1 Basic vehicle components

  • Control Devices
  • Instruments and Warning devices
  • Safety and Security devices
  • Anti-theft devices
  • Visibility devices
  • Communication devices
  • Comfort devices

2.2 Vehicle Safety

  • External checks
  • Internal checks

3.1 Controlling the Vehicle safely

  • Visual tracking
    • Smith System
  • Steering
  • Seating and positioning
  • Starting and acceleration
    • Optimal Lane position
  • Deceleration and braking
  • Speed control
  • Parking
    • Uphill
    • Downhill
    • Angle
    • Reverse
    • Parallel
  • Changing direction
    • Backing
    • Merging
    • Lane changes
  • Right of way manoeuvres
  • Turns
  • Highway and Freeway driving

3.2 Traction

  • Speed and time
  • Space management
  • Following distance
  • Stopping distance

3.3 Friction

3.4 Collision Avoidance

  • Critical Situations
  • Wheel off road
  • Head-on collision avoidance
  • Rear-end collision avoidance
  • Brake limit

3.5 Skid Control

  • ABS

4.1 Adjusting driver behavior

  • Risk perception

4.2 Emotions effecting driving

  • Emotions and decision making
  • Dealing with emotions

4.3 Positive driving attitude and behaviors

  • Values and Beliefs
  • Motives
    • Driving as thrill seeking
  • Social factors
    • Advertisements and media
    • Peer pressure
  • Positive attitudes
    • Driving is a privilege
    • Cooperative driving
Day 3 : Respect and Responsibility

5.1 Responding to emergency situations

  • Collisions
  • Arriving at the collision scene
  • Dealing with police
  • Emergency vehicles
  • Vehicle malfunction
    • Brake fail
    • Tires blowout

5.2 Safety and Responsibility

  • Safety Measures
    • Seat belts
    • Child restraints

5.3 Conflict avoidance

  • Respecting others
  • Road rage

5.4 Environmental Responsibility

  • Fuel efficiency
    • Idling
    • New technologies
  • Proper and regular vehicle maintenance
    • Oil change
    • Tune up
  • Emission testing

5.5 Lifelong learning

  • Changing skills
  • Age and driving
  • Changing laws and regulations

6.1 Cooperative driving

  • Other road users and their needs
    • Cyclist
    • Motorcycles
    • Transit vehicles
    • Emergency vehicles
    • Trucks
    • Pedestrians
    • School buses

6.2 Communication among road users

  • Vehicle signals
  • Hand signals
  • Horn
  • Headlights
Day 4 : Attention

7.1 Impaired driving

  • Types of impairment
    • Alcohol
    • Fatigue
    • Medical conditions
    • Drowsy driving

7.2 Effects of impairment

  • Impaired judgement

7.3 Consequences of impairment

  • Collision
  • Legal issues

7.4 Distraction

  • Inside the vehicle
  • Outside the vehicle

8.1 Where to observe

  • 360 vision
  • Distance scanning
  • Peripheral vision
  • Blind spots

8.2 How to observe

  • Active attention
  • Shoulder check
  • Mirrors

8.3 Scanning

  • Distinguishing hazards

8.4 Perception of personal limits

  • Types of drivers

8.5 Dangerous driving

  • Aggressive driving
  • Street racing

8.6 Risk tolerance

  • Confidence

8.7 Accurate risk perception

  • Reaction time
  • Proactive vs. Reactive action

8.8 Factors effecting perception

  • Age
  • Experience
  • Environment
  • Mental factors

8.9 Factors of collision

  • Common causes of collision

8.10 Driving Hazards

  • Common driving hazards

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